I have struggled the last 2 days with the words that can do this great man justice.
Naki Maile, passed away on Friday morning due to a heart condition he didn't even know he had. I cannot believe how quick life can be taken from you with no warning.
Naki adored his wife & six girls. He is one of our family's closest friends. SO caring, so giving, so loving. Isaac & Naki played ball together at BYU. Naki & Abby have been our friends since college. When we were goobers & didn't have our lives straight & then when we were sealed in the temple for time & all eternity. He & his sweet family were always there when we needed a visit after a surgery with Morgan, (Morgan loves him & Abby & the girls:)) brought us meals, treats, came to our children's blessings, & of course we visited just because sometimes. We love this family so, so much. Naki is truly an amazing man. His whole family is.
I will always remember Naki's smile & laugh & the way he loved his family & ours.
Life is fragile. You really never know when you will be called home. Let's all make a difference in the lives of those around us & use Naki's shining example.
If any of you can help this sweet, sweet family who so desperately needs help at this time, please do. Prayers, good thoughts, lots of love & donations. If you can donate, donate anything, please visit http://www.nakifamily.com/ .
Naki you were called home too soon. You will be greatly missed. Your girls will be taken care of & loved by all.
Abby, I love you. I have always looked up to you. You are a beautiful & strong woman. A terrific mother & those gorgeous girls are so, so lucky to have you. You can do this & we are there if you ever need anything. Our prayers are with you Abby & the girls always. Abby, Line, Malia, Lose, Eli, Eva, & Ane...WE LOVE YOU & are always here for you.
We are so blessed to have had you in our lives Naki. We will see you again.