Miss Morgan, Noah, & myself all went to Hogle Zoo a few days back. And we had cousins with us! Yey! McKenna & her 2 kids Payson & Jack.
The 1st things we saw were these cute monkeys looking at each other through the ropes.
The 1st things we saw were these cute monkeys looking at each other through the ropes.

It was so fun watching this little momma monkey & her baby. She would just hold out her arm so he wouldn't fall while he was playing on the rocks & continue to eat & go on with her business. It seriously is so similar to us! Very cool to watch!

What cute kids! This elephant spooked them a bit when it shot the water out it's trunk & did it's elephant sounds. Morgan & Noah were not sure how close they wanted to be to it:).
Noah also at one point was allowed to escape the stroller & helped me push & chased the turkeys & peacocks....then started running the opposite direction down the hill laughing.
Thanks for the invite McKenna! We had so much fun at the zoo, eating lots of pizza & playing at the Herring house with you, Payson & Jack:)!
Looks like you guys had fun! i miss our zoo days during the summers! they are so cute and noah is getting so big! hope you are having a great weekend :)
me again... I know I have a wonderful husband! he really has done so much and been so helpful. I DON'T know how single moms do it that is for sure! I love getting comments from you, blogging is so fun. yeah I should be sleeping when all my kids are sleeping (sounds funny but I do have 3 now!) but I don't, I blog! ha hope you are having fun. doesn't Isaac come home so soon!?
Hi guys! I saw your blog on Scott and Ashley's. So good to see your cutest little family and to see that you guys are doing great! The kiddos are adorable and it looks like you guys are having fun! Keep in touch!
Ashley and Teag
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