I am very grateful for my life. I have not made the best decisions & seem to do things the hard way. But, even through all my mistakes, I have been blessed with amazing family & friends. I am so thankful for you all.
Isaac & I have been blessed with a love that has carried us through many storms. We have 2 beautiful children, with a 3rd on it's way.
Next month, March 5th, Morgan will have a Varus Osteotomy. Two weeks from this Thursday.
The surgery will take 4 hours. They will make 6 inch incisions, at the hip, on both of her legs, break the femur right below the hip socket, & put in "L" shaped brackets & screws. This will position her legs so they will hopefully stay in the hip socket. At this point they will also release some tension in her muscles, ligaments & tendons. They will put her in a cast from her chest to her foot on the left side & to her knee on the right. She will be in this cast for 1 month. They will also cut the tendons in her left foot at this time because it is turning in.
We have been told that this surgery is the only option for fixing her dislocated hips. So I have been checking around to find out if that is truly the case. I have spoken to Morgan's orthopedist 4 times & his nurse, her pediatrician, her 2 main physical therapists, her Rehab doctor, & her wheelchair specialist. This is her only option in order to get her standing again, hopefully walking in her walker again...but more than that, to not be in pain & not lose more mobility.
They tell us this surgery is our choice, but what choice do we really have? Our child in pain & not mobile at all is not a choice. And then I asked him "How do you decide? Or who would decide to not let their child have this surgery?" Our doctor responded, "The children that are too frail to make it through the surgery are usually the only ones whose parents choose to not go through with it". Well, that is not our Morgan Mae. She is a fighter & always has been. She will be in pain, but hopefully alot less after she heals than when we started.
Morgan Mae will be in the hospital for 4-5 days following. During those 5 days, she will have a line feeding her constant pain meds. Her orthopedist says she will feel like she's been hit by a truck for the 1st 2 months. Umm, how in the world are we going to get her home in our car with her in a somewhat reclined position in a body cast & with her feeling like she's been hit by a truck?!
My Mom is coming out from Maryland to be with us & help with Noah. Noah loves his Mimi & it will be fun for them to spend some time together. Noah LOVES his big sister. This will be hard on him too. The last big surgery in April of 2007, I was still pregnant with him. He was easier to take places in the hospital:). Noah looks for Morgan when he wakes up in the morning & when he gets up from his nap. "Morg--mee. Wher r ouu?" Then when I tell him she's at school, he's says "Oooo. Kool." He is so excited when he sees any bus. "Morg--mee!!" And when she's home & he finds her, he gets this super excited tone, "Morg--mee, HHIII!" And runs over & gives her a hug. He is a great helper too. Getting toys for her & taking snacks to her.(Well, most of the time:)) So thank you Grammy or Mimi for all your upcoming help.
And back to Morgan. I have one more doctor to hear from again, well, her Rehab doctor, who is also a part of a spasticity team up at Primary Children's, who will give me the update on what that team thinks. I asked them to look at her x-rays & tell us if this surgery is truly the only solution for our sweet girl. It would be an absolute miracle if they came up with something else.
Please keep our sweet Morgan Mae in your prayers. Those that can join in a fast for her, please join us on March 1st.
We thank you for your prayers & love for our sweet Mo & our family at this time & always. We love you all.

Many families have asked how do we do it. How can you even say it outloud. She is our child. Our sweet angel. If she was yours, you would do the same. She needs us. We want to keep her here as long as we can. And we want her to be happy & healthy. Morgan is our rock. She has always brought so much joy to our lives & all those around her. She has taught us what is truly important in life. We could never do as much for her as she has done for us.