Thursday, October 30th, we went to the coolest house up in Lindon. I mean this house had a pool with a waterfall, a built in train track around the yard(even in the cement), in ground trampoline, amazing entertaining outside, a field for soccer or whatever else...I know I'm forgetting lots of somethings. And all the entertainment was free!!!
You start out by going through a little gate, head off to the left & through a tent. Inside there was...
The little electricity ball.
And a really cool bubble machine.
The bubbles were white & when they
popped, they turned to smoke!

Then while waiting in line for the train ride,
you have this little crazy fella shakin around.

Then we took some pics of each other while
we waited some more for the train & movie!
Thanks for coming & hanging out with us
Ben, Jenny, & BrookLynn!

Then we got into their sweet garage &
watched Nightmare Before Christmas.
On a huge screen with a projector!
And ate our yum yum popcorn.
(Morgan loved the lady in front of us
& kept saying hi to her. And could
& would not stop giving her hugs!)
Momma, Papa & Noah on the train ride.
There are no more pics here on out except
the very end. It scared the doo-doo
out of Noah...who was clutched
to me whining the whole time.
But he wouldn't let me cover his face!
Morgan just giggled as she rode with Uncle Ben:).
It was scary with all the people in masks
jumping out at you!

The crew.
Morgan & Noah would not look at the lady
taking the picture. They were way too busy
checking out the guy, in a mask, bent over fixing
the train track. He was not trust worthy.
Can't wait to see what Noah thinks of Santa Clause.
Morgan likes him. He gets hugs too!