This is Noah Halloween morning. We were on our way back from the gym & I asked him if he was ready for trick or treating. You'd think by the look on his face that he really knew what I was asking him!!!
Now Presenting...
MiCkEy & MiNNiE

Random fun pics! I love the little black dots on their noses! I love these babies!

How cute are they?!
were all dressed up! McDonald's drive-thru
here we come!
They LOVE love their cheeseburgers!

Princess Fiona, Shrek & Puss-n-Boots:)

Playing Peek-a-Boo through her Abby Cadabby!
(Morgan picked out her treats holder:))
Noah does a super sweet Hulk interpretation!

We had so much fun treat or treating with our little rascals! I think they had fun too! Noah fell in multiple doors while he was knocking on them & Papa picked up Morgan & took her up some houses so she could knock too! She loved that! She could have gone in & socialized at every door! The last few doors Noah was so done knocking. Once he got a big sucker, he reached in & started eating a Crunch Bar too. He told us "Aaa Do"(all done) at every house after that:). Then we went to our friends the Harwards' house. Thanks guys, we had so much fun!!! We had a blast & we most definitely have the cutest MiCkEy & MiNNiE anywhere!
Ridiculously Cute!!
I really have been waiting to see these pics! They are adorable! Thanks for sharing since I didn't get to see them all dressed up that night. Cutest Mickey and Minnie ever! We're lucky they're our neighbors :)
Oh my goodness- cutest kiddos ever! I love it!
Guess what!! I'm sitting right next to you and commenting!! Mwahahahahaha!!
P.S. Yeah, they're kind of adorable. :)
I am so glad you put those up. So cute!!!
Too Cute.
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