On May 11th our sweet Noah turned 2 YEARS OLD!!!! Seriously folks, where does the time go??

Noah at his 1st birthday.
The little Mister at his 2nd birthday!
We're waiting to do a party for Morgan & Noah in July when Papa gets back from work. Kind of a pre-baby, 3 birthday, Papa's home celebration!!!
So, me, Morgan & Noah went to the Disney Store for Noah's bday & Noah of course picked out the package of like 8 cars from the Cars Movie. He also had some fun clothes from Mimi & a mini matchbox garage that he loves. We had strawberry shortcake for dessert. He only wanted the strawberries of course. Where did this boy come from?? Fruit over dessert?:) I didn't even bother making a cake because he WON'T eat it!
We cannot imagine our lives without our sweet boy! He is so much fun & ALL BOY!!! He is talking up a storm & sometimes in complete sentences now! Some things, we can actually understand:). He's starting to ask "why?", and when I tell him to get back in the house he says "huh?!" LIKE HE CAN'T HEAR ME!?! Boys:). He still absolutely loves cars, trains, trucks, bikes & planes. He also loves stealing Niki's toy(our dog) & running all around everywhere while she chases him...laughing hysterically of course. Especially when she knocks him down & is on top of him with all 9 pounds of herself.
So our pediatrician's office has a train in the lobby. It has a button, on the wall, that you push & a train drives around the track up close to the ceiling. The whole time we're there, he's saying "choo-choo!! Gasp! Dubba du choo-choo! Yeah! Momma! CHoo-choo!!" Yes, he's crazy:)! So needless to say, Noah's 2 year check-up consisted of holding him down to get him down to his diaper & chasing him into the lobby multiple times in order to push that train button again while we were trying to get his weight, height & head sizes. He was 30.6 lbs & 37.5 inches tall. Yes, in the 75% for his weight(considering he can't sit still:)) & over the 100% line for his height:).