I have struggled the last 2 days with the words that can do this great man justice.
Naki Maile, passed away on Friday morning due to a heart condition he didn't even know he had. I cannot believe how quick life can be taken from you with no warning.
Naki adored his wife & six girls. He is one of our family's closest friends. SO caring, so giving, so loving. Isaac & Naki played ball together at BYU. Naki & Abby have been our friends since college. When we were goobers & didn't have our lives straight & then when we were sealed in the temple for time & all eternity. He & his sweet family were always there when we needed a visit after a surgery with Morgan, (Morgan loves him & Abby & the girls:)) brought us meals, treats, came to our children's blessings, & of course we visited just because sometimes. We love this family so, so much. Naki is truly an amazing man. His whole family is.
I will always remember Naki's smile & laugh & the way he loved his family & ours.
Life is fragile. You really never know when you will be called home. Let's all make a difference in the lives of those around us & use Naki's shining example.
If any of you can help this sweet, sweet family who so desperately needs help at this time, please do. Prayers, good thoughts, lots of love & donations. If you can donate, donate anything, please visit http://www.nakifamily.com/ .
Naki you were called home too soon. You will be greatly missed. Your girls will be taken care of & loved by all.
Abby, I love you. I have always looked up to you. You are a beautiful & strong woman. A terrific mother & those gorgeous girls are so, so lucky to have you. You can do this & we are there if you ever need anything. Our prayers are with you Abby & the girls always. Abby, Line, Malia, Lose, Eli, Eva, & Ane...WE LOVE YOU & are always here for you.
We are so blessed to have had you in our lives Naki. We will see you again.
Thanks, Erin. I have been thinking about them constantly since we heard Friday morning. It doesn't seem like it can possibly be real. Naki made a difference in so many lives. They are one of those families that everyone looks up to, everyone loves & everyone wants to have. I'm glad they have so many friends like you guys close by to help them through the tough months ahead.
Erin, that was beautiful. Thanks for sharing. I didn't know Naki, but Matt just thinks the world of him. I am praying for his family and I hope everyone is able to donate and help them out. You guys are awesome. We miss you dearly.
So sad. We'll keep the family in our prayers.
Thanks for sharing. We will keep the family in our thoughts and prayers.
Erin, you said it so well. Naki is an amazing man and what an amazing family they are. It has been years since we last saw their cute family but I will never forget the kindness that both Naki and Abby constantly expressed.
One of my favorite memories of Naki is when he was in my Freshman English class, before I even had met him through Vinny and football. Poor guy was stuck in the class with a bunch of little freshman and I remember looking at him, being WAY too big to be siting in such a little desk and feeling bad that he was stuck in a class with 18 year olds. Yet, he always had that huge smile of his on his face and would make an effort to talk to everybody in the class to get to know them a bit.
What an amazing man.
Thanks for your post. I'm sure Naki and Abby both appreciate it and appreciate your friendship with their family.
This was an awesome tribute Erin, you are such a sweetheart! Hope you are doing very well, and we so need to stop talking about it, and get together already :)
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