Then it was off to Dublin, Ohio. Two of our most favorite things there were feeding the ducks almost every morning & meeting & playing with cousins that were only about 10 minutes away! We were so lucky!
There were so many little ducklings. We found a bread store that sold their expired bread as duck bread. 10 loafs for about a buck! Awesome:). The boys also loved watching the crazy rain that was there & running around in the mud & puddles too:)
Here is a picture of the cousins, minus one baby girl, that we played lots with the whole summer we were there. Here they are watching a movie after a long day of playing.
Two more things we loved about Dublin were all the trails & parks...everything is sooo green.
And swimming. We swam at least 3 times a week & everyone looooved it!
More about swimming later:).
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