I know, I know, it's 2 and 1/2 months after the 4th of July but come on, we have been moving around quite a bit! The craaaziness is slowing down a wee bit, so now I can catch up.

I cannot even begin to imagine what our forefathers, our leaders, and our soldiers have been through and continue to sacrifice for our country. I am so grateful for the freedoms that we enjoy and take forgranted. I could not imagine living somewhere without democracy. Thank you to our many soldiers and their families that defend our freedoms everyday!

On a different note, our 4th of July started out with the boys selling all day and then Outback for dinner! Yum! I know, very American. Since we were in Philly, we tried to find a yummy cheesesteak, from some place local, but it was the 4th, and they were all closed! Then we went to catch the fire works and all it did was rain. So, we ran around in the rain and had a blast!
What a good looking family! Seriously...
How fun!!! where did you guys live this summer? your kids are so big! I have never seen your little boy and morg is growing up so fast.She looks as happy as always,she has a smile on her face everytime i see her pretty face! I miss you guys and give your family loves for me.talk to you soon.what is your email?
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